Your Name:
Company Name:
Type of Business:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Is this a new site or a re-design of an existing site?
New Re-design
Will you need to have a domain name registered?
Yes No
If yes, what name:
Will you require hosting for the site?
Yes No
Will you be selling any products or services?
Yes No
Do you have all of the site content already prepared for the site?
Yes No
Do you have photographs and images for the site?
Yes No
If yes, are they already in a digital format?
Yes No
Do you have a logo?
Yes No  
If yes, is it in a digital format?
Yes No
Do you require audio or video streaming?
Yes No
If yes, are the audio and video files in digital format?
Yes No
List the URL's (website addresses) of any sites that you feel have similar qualities that you desire for your site.
Approximately how many pages do you anticipate?
Do you require search engine submission?
Yes No
How much traffic do you expect the first year?
1-100 visitors per month
100-500 visitors per month
500-1000 visitors per month
1000-10,000 visitors per month
10,000+ per month
Additional comments and requirements:


Tuesday, October 22, 2024 7:29AM
  • Search Engine Submission
        1 yr/ $19.99
  • Domain Registrations
        1 yr/ $13.99
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